Can You Have Two Schengen Visas at the Same Time?


What is a Schengen Visa?

A Schengen visa is a short-stay visa that allows its holder to travel within the Schengen area, which includes 26 European countries without border controls between them. This visa permits a stay of up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

List of Schengen Countries

The Schengen area covers Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Can You Hold Two Valid Schengen Visas at the Same Time?

In theory, it’s not possible to have two valid short-stay Schengen visas covering the same period. However, there are exceptions and special circumstances that can allow for flexibility.

Applying for a New Schengen Visa While Holding a Valid One

If you already have a valid Schengen visa but it doesn’t cover your next planned trip, you can apply for a new visa. The new visa should start the day after your current visa expires to ensure seamless travel.

Who Can Revoke a Current Schengen Visa?

If you need a new Schengen visa while your current visa is still valid, the current visa may need to be revoked. This can be done by:

  • The Embassy That Issued Your Current Visa: The embassy that issued your visa can revoke it.
  • The Embassy Where You Are Applying for the Next Visa: The embassy where you are applying for your next visa can also revoke your current visa, even if it was issued by another Schengen country.

Impact of Revoking a Current Schengen Visa

When a Schengen visa is revoked, it is no longer valid for entry or stay in the Schengen area. Here are the key impacts:

  1. Immediate Invalidation:
    • The visa holder cannot use the revoked visa to enter or remain in the Schengen area. Any planned trips under the revoked visa must be canceled or rescheduled.
  2. Application for a New Visa:
    • The revocation allows for the issuance of a new visa that better aligns with the traveler’s needs. The new visa should cover the upcoming travel plans completely.
  3. Potential Gaps in Travel Plans:
    • There could be a gap where the traveler does not have a valid visa if the timing is not managed correctly. It’s important that the new visa starts immediately after the current one is revoked to avoid any legal issues.
  4. Administrative Procedures:
    • Additional administrative steps may be required, such as providing updated documentation, undergoing another visa interview, and paying applicable fees.
  5. Record of Revocation:
    • The revocation will be recorded in the Schengen Visa Information System (VIS). This is part of your visa history and might be referenced in future visa applications.

Practical Examples

To illustrate, let’s consider two scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: If you have a visa valid from April 1 to April 30 with a stay period of 15 days and you used all 15 days early in April, you would need a new visa for a trip starting April 25. The consulate can issue a new visa starting on April 25.
  • Scenario 2: If you used only 12 out of the 15 days on your current multiple-entry visa and need to travel again on April 25 for 10 days, the consulate would revoke the current visa and issue a new one starting April 25.

Exceptions to the Rule

In some rare cases, you can hold two valid Schengen visas if they are in different passports. For example, a person with an ordinary passport holding a valid visa might need another visa for professional reasons in a diplomatic or service passport.

Important Note

Regardless of the number of visas or travel documents you hold, the 90-day stay rule within 180 days applies to the person, not the documents.

Ensuring Seamless Travel

To avoid disruptions:

  • Coordinate Closely with the Consulate: Ensure the consulate understands your travel needs and timelines.
  • Prepare Documentation: Have all necessary documents ready for the new visa application.
  • Monitor Visa Status: Keep track of your visa application status and any communications from the consulate.

This flexibility in the Schengen visa process ensures that travelers can meet their travel obligations without administrative hurdles. Understanding the rules and procedures helps in planning trips more efficiently and avoiding potential issues with visa validity.


  1. Can I hold two valid Schengen visas at the same time?
    • Generally, it’s not possible to have two valid Schengen visas for the same period. However, there are exceptions, especially if you have different passports (e.g., an ordinary passport and a diplomatic passport).
  2. What happens if I need to travel for a period that exceeds the remaining days on my current Schengen visa?
    • You can apply for a new Schengen visa. The current visa may need to be revoked, and the new visa should start immediately after the old one expires.
  3. Who can revoke my current Schengen visa?
    • Both the embassy that issued your current visa and the embassy where you are applying for the new visa have the authority to revoke your existing visa.
  4. Do I need to submit a formal request to revoke my current visa?
    • Yes, you may need to submit a formal written request to the consulate explaining why the current visa should be revoked, along with your new visa application.
  5. What are the impacts of revoking my current Schengen visa?
    • Once revoked, the visa is no longer valid for travel. You must cancel or reschedule any plans under the revoked visa and apply for a new one that covers your required travel period.
  6. Can I still travel if my current visa is revoked and the new visa process is pending?
    • No, you must wait until your new visa is issued. Ensure that the new visa starts immediately after the revocation of the current one to avoid any travel gaps.
  7. Are there any exceptions to the rule about holding two Schengen visas?
    • Yes, in some rare cases, such as holding multiple travel documents (e.g., an ordinary passport and a service passport), you can have two valid Schengen visas, but the 90-day rule still applies per person, not per document.