All About Schengen Visa

Get an overview of the Schengen visa, including the application process, requirements, and travel restrictions. If you’re planning a trip to Europe, learn more about the Schengen visa and how it applies to your travels. Read more now for Schengen visa details.

What is a Schengen?

Schengen is a term that refers to a group of European countries that have abolished their internal borders for the free movement of people. This means that once you have a valid visa for one Schengen country, you can travel to any other Schengen country without the need for additional visas. The Schengen area includes 27 countries, including most of the European Union countries and several non-EU countries. The Schengen Agreement was signed in 1985 and has since facilitated easy travel for millions of people within the region.

What is a Schengen Visa?

Here are some key points to know about Schengen Visas:

  1. Schengen Visa is a type of visa that allows the holder to travel freely within the Schengen Area, which includes 27 European countries.
  2. Unrestricted travel between participating countries.
  3. Designed for short-term stays for tourism, business, etc.
  4. Application must be submitted to embassy or consulate of country to be visited.
  5. Requires documentation such as passport, itinerary, and proof of finances.
  6. Valid for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.
  7. Can be issued as single-entry or multiple-entry visas.

Who Needs a Visa to Enter Europe?

Individuals who are citizens of third countries that have not established a visa-free agreement with the Schengen member states are required to obtain a visa before traveling to Europe.

Here is a list of countries whose citizens need to apply for a Schengen Visa before traveling to the EU. It’s important to note that the list may change and travelers should always check the latest requirements and regulations before planning their trip.

What are Schengen Visa Types for Visits in Europe?

If you intend to visit one or more European countries of this area, you need to apply for a Schengen Visa for the following reasons:

The Schengen consulate can issue you a single-entry visa, double-entry visa, or multiple-entry visa, depending on your reasons for visiting the Schengen countries and the frequency of your visits. The validity of your single-entry visa depends on the number of days you stated you are going to be in the Schengen zone on your visa application form and the actual decision of the consulate that issues you the Schengen visa.

What is the cost of a European visa?

The cost of a European visa varies depending on the type of visa you need and your age. As of 2021, the standard Schengen visa fee for adults is €80, while children between the ages of 6 and 12 pay €40. Some categories of travelers, such as students and researchers, may be eligible for reduced fees or exemptions.

You can find a list of Schengen Visa fees that specifies the categories of people who may qualify for reduced costs or may be exempt from paying the fee.

What does Flight Itinerary mean?

A flight itinerary for EU visa application is a detailed travel plan that includes information about your flights, hotel reservations, and other travel-related arrangements. It is required as part of your visa application to demonstrate your travel plans in Europe.

For more details How to get a flight itinerary for a visa application?

What is Travel Insurance for Schengen Visa?

Schengen Visa applicants must have travel medical insurance covering the entire stay, with minimum coverage of 30,000 EUR for medical emergencies.

For more FAQ on travel insurance for Schengen Visa, check out our detailed guide.

What is Proof of Accommodation for a Schengen Visa application?

It’s a confirmed document that shows where you’ll be staying throughout your trip in the Schengen Area.

Want to learn more about how to obtain this document? Check out our guide on how to get Proof of Accommodation for a Schengen Visa application.

Who Needs a Visa to Enter Europe?

If you are planning to travel to Europe, you may need a visa depending on your nationality and the purpose of your trip. The visa requirements can vary between countries and regions, so it’s important to check the regulations for your specific situation.

Some bullet points to consider:

  • Citizens of certain countries do not need a visa to enter the Schengen Area for stays up to 90 days within a 180-day period
  • Citizens of other countries may need a visa to enter the Schengen Area for any length of stay, depending on their nationality and the purpose of their trip
  • The type of visa you need will depend on your reason for traveling to Europe, such as tourism, business, or study
  • The visa application process can take several weeks or months, so it’s important to plan ahead and apply in advance
  • It’s essential to ensure that you have the correct visa before you travel, as failure to do so could result in denial of entry or deportation.


How do I apply for a Schengen Visa, and what documents do I need to provide?

Below are all required documents needed for Schengen Visa Process:

  • The requirements for obtaining a Schengen Visa may vary slightly depending on the country where you apply, but generally include the following:
  • A valid passport that is at least three months beyond the intended stay in the Schengen Area.
  • A completed visa application form, which can usually be found on the embassy or consulate’s website.
  • One or more passport-sized photographs.
  • Proof of travel insurance that covers medical expenses and repatriation for the entire duration of your trip.
  • Proof of financial means to cover the cost of your stay, such as bank statements, traveler’s checks, or credit card statements.
  • A travel itinerary that includes details of your planned trip, such as accommodation reservations and transportation arrangements.
  • A letter of invitation if you are visiting friends or family in the Schengen Area.
  • A visa application fee, which can vary depending on the country and type of visa.

It’s important to note that each country may have additional requirements, and that the application process can take several weeks or even months, so it’s best to plan ahead and apply as early as possible.

What are some common reasons why Schengen Visa applications are rejected?

When applying for a Schengen Visa, it’s important to be aware of some common reasons why applications are rejected, including:

  • Incomplete or incorrect application forms
  • Lack of financial means to support the trip
  • Insufficient proof of accommodation and travel arrangements
  • Lack of travel insurance coverage
  • Inability to provide a valid reason for travel
  • Past criminal or immigration issues
  • Providing false information or documents


How can I avoid mistakes that lead to Schengen Visa application rejections?

To avoid these mistakes and increase your chances of being granted a Schengen Visa, it’s important to ensure that:

  • You carefully and accurately complete all application forms
  • You have sufficient funds to support your trip and can provide evidence of this
  • You provide detailed and accurate information about your travel itinerary, including accommodation and transportation arrangements
  • You obtain travel insurance that meets the Schengen Visa requirements
  • You have a clear and valid reason for travel, such as tourism, business, or education
  • You have a clean criminal and immigration record
  • You only provide truthful and authentic documents to support your application


Can I apply for a Schengen Visa online, or do I need to submit a paper application?

If you’re planning to apply for a Schengen Visa, you may be wondering whether you need to submit a paper application or if you can do it online. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • The application process and requirements can vary depending on the country you are applying to.
  • Some countries allow online visa applications, while others require a paper application.
  • You should check the website of the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit for specific information on the application process.
  • In general, if you are applying for a visa for more than one Schengen country, you should apply to the embassy or consulate of the country where you will be spending the most time.