Digital Nomad Visa

Let’s know about Belgium’s population, language, economy, tourism, climate, and cuisine

Belgium is a country situated in Western Europe with an estimated population of around 11.7 million people. The official languages are Dutch, French, and German, with Dutch being the most widely spoken language in Flanders, French in Wallonia, and German in the East Cantons. English is also widely spoken, especially in tourist areas.

Best time to visit: Belgium can be visited all year round, but the best time to visit is during the summer months of June to August when the weather is warm and sunny. Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are also pleasant times to visit as the weather is mild and there are fewer crowds. Winter (December to February) is cold and can be wet, but it is the time when the famous Christmas markets take place.

Population: As of 2021, Belgium has an estimated population of around 11.7 million people.

Language: Belgium has three official languages: Dutch (60%), French (40%), and German (less than 1%). English is also widely spoken, especially in tourist areas.

Economy: Belgium has a highly developed and diversified economy, with a mix of private enterprise and government intervention. Its economy is based on exports, with major industries including chemical production, food processing, and automobile manufacturing. Belgium is also home to the headquarters of the European Union and NATO.

Tourism: Belgium is a popular tourist destination known for its historic cities, beautiful architecture, delicious cuisine, and rich cultural heritage. Some of the popular tourist destinations in Belgium include Brussels, Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, and the Ardennes region.

Climate: Belgium has a temperate maritime climate, with mild winters and cool summers. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, with the wettest months being July and August.

Cuisine: Belgium is famous for its delicious cuisine, with dishes such as moules-frites (mussels and fries), waffles, chocolate, and beer being some of its most popular exports. Other popular dishes include stoofvlees (beef stew), vol-au-vent (a puff pastry dish filled with chicken and mushrooms), and waterzooi (a creamy stew made with fish or chicken).

What Is a Digital Nomad Visa?

A digital nomad visa allows remote workers and online entrepreneurs to live and work in a foreign country. Requirements vary by country and may include proof of remote work or online business, a valid passport, health insurance, sufficient funds, and a clean criminal record. The application process involves submitting necessary documents, paying fees, and undergoing checks. Once approved, digital nomad visa holders can enjoy the flexibility of working remotely while immersing themselves in a new culture.

Digital nomad visas provide an opportunity for remote workers and entrepreneurs to experience new cultures while earning a living online. However, it’s important to comply with local laws and regulations. Limitations and restrictions may apply, and the duration of the visa varies by country.

Which EU Countries Offer Digital Nomad Visas?

The EU countries below offer digital nomad visas:

  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Estonia
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Latvia
  • Malta
  • Romania
  • The Netherlands
  • Norway (only in Svalbard)

Here is the information on the European Union (EU) countries that offer digital nomad visas:

Croatia Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Monthly income of around €2,300.
  • Work for a company outside of Croatia.

Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Work for an employer registered outside Cyprus.
  • Work using telecommunications technology.
  • Monthly income of at least €3,500.

Estonia Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Age over 18.
  • Can work remotely using telecommunication technology.
  • Employment contract with a company registered outside Estonia.
  • Prove that you are a freelancer or a digital nomad.
  • Proof of sufficient financial means.

Greece Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Prove that you are a digital nomad.
  • Work using telecommunications technology.
  • Employment contract with a company registered outside Greece.
  • Monthly salary of at least €3,500.

Hungary Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Work for an employer registered outside Hungary.
  • Work using telecommunications technology.
  • Partner/shareholder in a company registered in a foreign country.
  • Minimum monthly income of €2,000.

Iceland Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Country has a visa-free travel agreement with Iceland.
  • No acquisition of another Iceland long-term visa in the last year.
  • Prove that you will work remotely.
  • Monthly income of ISK 1,000,000 (approximately €7,300).

Latvia Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Employed by a company registered in an OECD country or self-employed with a business registered in an OECD country.
  • Proof of employment with an employer registered abroad for at least six months.
  • Can work remotely.
  • Income of at least €2,875.50.
  • Proof of health insurance for the entire stay.

Malta Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Monthly income of at least €2,700.
  • Work for an employer registered outside Malta, or
  • Partner/shareholder in a company registered in a foreign country.
  • Work using telecommunications technology.

Romania Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Work for a company registered outside Romania.
  • Work using telecommunications technology.
  • Monthly income of at least €3,700.

Netherlands Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Work for an employer registered outside the Netherlands.
  • Work using telecommunications technology.
  • Sufficient income to cover the stay.

Svalbard Digital Nomad Visa: Eligibility requirements:

  • Annual income of at least €35,720.
  • Work for a company registered abroad.
  • Work using telecommunications technology.

Please note that visa requirements and eligibility criteria may change over time, and it’s always recommended to check with the respective country’s official immigration website or consulate for the most up-to-date information.

What is Visa application process for digital nomad visas?

The visa application process for digital nomad visas varies by country, but generally involves the following steps:

  1. Research the requirements: Check the specific requirements of the country where you wish to apply for a digital nomad visa, including eligibility criteria, necessary documents, and fees.
  2. Gather necessary documents: Prepare the required documents, such as a valid passport, proof of remote work or online business, health insurance, and sufficient funds.
  3. Submit the application: Complete the application form and submit it along with the required documents. Some countries may allow online submissions, while others may require in-person applications or through a consulate or embassy.
  4. Pay fees: Pay the applicable visa fees, which may vary depending on the country.
  5. Undergo checks: Some countries may conduct background checks, health screenings, or other assessments as part of the visa application process.
  6. Await decision: After submitting the application, wait for the decision on your digital nomad visa. Processing times may vary, and additional information or documentation may be requested.
  7. Receive visa: If approved, you will receive your digital nomad visa, which will allow you to live and work remotely in the country for the specified duration.

It’s important to follow the specific application requirements of the country where you are applying for a digital nomad visa and to allow ample time for processing.

What are the Financial requirements for digital nomad visas?

Financial requirements for digital nomad visas vary depending on the country and are designed to ensure that applicants have sufficient funds to sustain themselves during their stay. The specific requirements may differ, but some common elements include:

  1. Proof of stable income: Many countries require digital nomad visa applicants to provide evidence of a stable source of income, such as employment or self-employment, to demonstrate their financial capacity.
  2. Minimum bank balance: Some countries may require applicants to maintain a certain minimum balance in their bank account to prove they have enough funds to cover their expenses during their stay.
  3. Valid health insurance: Digital nomad visa applicants may need to provide proof of valid health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay, as a means to safeguard against unexpected medical expenses.
  4. Consideration of cost of living: Applicants may be required to demonstrate that they have enough funds to cover the cost of living in the destination country, including accommodation, transportation, food, and other expenses.
  5. Additional financial documentation: Depending on the country, applicants may be asked to provide additional financial documentation, such as tax returns, financial statements, or investment portfolios, to further substantiate their financial stability.

It’s important to thoroughly review and meet the financial requirements for digital nomad visas of the specific country you intend to visit. Failing to meet these requirements may result in the denial of your visa application. Consulting with the official government or embassy website of the destination country can provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on the financial requirements for digital nomad visas.

What are the health insurance requirements for digital nomad visas?

Health insurance requirements for digital nomad visas vary depending on the country of destination. Some important points to consider may include:

  1. Mandatory health insurance: Some countries may require digital nomad visa applicants to have valid health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay, as a means to protect against unexpected medical expenses.
  2. Minimum coverage amount: The destination country may specify a minimum coverage amount that must be met by the health insurance policy. This requirement may vary and could be subject to change, so it’s important to verify the current requirements.
  3. Coverage for emergencies and hospitalization: The health insurance policy may need to provide coverage for emergencies, hospitalization, and other necessary medical services.
  4. Validity and duration of coverage: The health insurance policy should be valid for the entire duration of the digital nomad visa and meet the requirements set by the country of destination.
  5. Acceptable insurance providers: Some countries may have a list of acceptable insurance providers that applicants must choose from to meet the health insurance requirements.
  6. Proof of insurance: Applicants may be required to provide proof of their health insurance coverage during the visa application process, such as a policy certificate or confirmation letter from the insurance provider.

It’s essential to thoroughly understand and meet the health insurance requirements for digital nomad visas of the specific country you plan to visit. Failing to meet these requirements may result in the denial of your visa application. It’s recommended to consult with the official government or embassy website of the destination country to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on the health insurance requirements for digital nomad visas.

What are the remote work opportunities with digital nomad visas?

Digital nomad visas often grant individuals the freedom to work remotely while residing in a foreign country. This allows digital nomads to engage in remote work opportunities, which can include working for their own business, freelancing, or being employed by a company in their home country or abroad.

The specific remote work opportunities available with a digital nomad visa can vary depending on the destination country’s regulations and the individual’s work arrangements.

It’s essential to research and understand the remote work policies and opportunities of the country where the digital nomad visa is being applied for, including any restrictions or requirements for remote work activities.

What are the travel benefits of digital nomad visas?

Digital nomad visas offer various travel benefits that can enhance the experience of working and living abroad. These benefits may differ depending on the specific digital nomad visa program and regulations of the destination country. Here are some key travel benefits of digital nomad visas:

  1. Visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel: Some digital nomad visas may allow for visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to neighboring countries or within a specific region, providing more flexibility and convenience for travel.
  2. Extended stay options: Digital nomad visas often offer longer durations of stay compared to regular tourist visas, allowing individuals to stay in a foreign country for an extended period without frequent visa renewals.
  3. Access to local amenities: Digital nomad visas may provide access to local amenities and services, such as healthcare, banking, and transportation, making it easier to settle and live in a foreign country while working remotely.
  4. Cultural immersion opportunities: With a digital nomad visa, individuals can experience local customs, traditions, and ways of life, providing unique cultural immersion opportunities and a chance to explore different cultures.
  5. Travel flexibility: Digital nomad visas may offer flexibility in terms of travel destinations, allowing individuals to work and travel from different countries or cities during their stay, providing a dynamic and diverse experience.

It’s important to note that the travel benefits of digital nomad visas can vary depending on the specific program and destination country’s regulations. Researching and understanding the travel benefits and limitations of the digital nomad visa program in the chosen destination is crucial for planning a successful digital nomad lifestyle.

What are the pros and cons of digital nomad visas?

Digital nomad visas offer unique opportunities for individuals to work remotely while living and traveling in foreign countries. However, like any visa program, there are pros and cons to consider. Here are some key points to understand:

Pros of digital nomad visas:

  1. Flexibility and freedom: Digital nomad visas provide the freedom to work from anywhere, allowing individuals to choose their desired destination and lifestyle while working remotely.
  2. Cultural immersion: Digital nomad visas offer the chance to experience different cultures and customs, providing enriching cultural immersion opportunities.
  3. Travel opportunities: Digital nomad visas may allow for extended stays in foreign countries, providing the opportunity to travel and explore new destinations.
  4. Networking and professional growth: Digital nomad visas can facilitate networking and professional growth opportunities by connecting with like-minded individuals, participating in local events, and expanding professional networks.

Cons of digital nomad visas:

  1. Visa requirements and restrictions: Digital nomad visas may come with specific requirements, such as proof of income, health insurance, and other documentation, which can be time-consuming and challenging to fulfill.
  2. Limited access to social benefits: Digital nomad visas may not provide access to social benefits or services in the destination country, such as healthcare, social security, or other welfare programs.
  3. Tax and legal considerations: Digital nomad visas can have tax and legal implications, including potential tax obligations in both the home country and the destination country, as well as compliance with local laws and regulations.
  4. Stability and uncertainty: Digital nomad visas may require constant travel and relocation, which can disrupt stability and routine, and may involve uncertainty in terms of accommodation, work arrangements, and lifestyle.

It’s essential to thoroughly research and understand the pros and cons of digital nomad visas before embarking on this lifestyle to make informed decisions and ensure a successful digital nomad experience.

What are the regulations for family members on digital nomad visas?

Digital nomad visas may offer provisions for family members to accompany the primary visa holder, depending on the specific visa program and destination country. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Eligibility and requirements: Family members’ eligibility and requirements for digital nomad visas vary by country and program. Some countries may allow immediate family members, such as spouses and dependent children, to accompany the primary visa holder, while others may have specific eligibility criteria or limitations.
  2. Documentation and processing: Family members may need to provide additional documentation, such as marriage certificates, birth certificates, and other supporting documents, and undergo a separate visa application process to join the primary visa holder.
  3. Benefits and restrictions: Family members on digital nomad visas may have similar benefits and restrictions as the primary visa holder. This may include access to healthcare, education, and other social services, as well as compliance with local laws and regulations.
  4. Considerations for children: If you plan to travel with children on a digital nomad visa, it’s important to research and understand the regulations and requirements related to schooling, healthcare, and other necessary arrangements in the destination country.

It’s crucial to thoroughly review and understand the regulations for family members on digital nomad visas in the specific country or program you’re interested in to ensure compliance and a smooth experience for your family members. Consulting with immigration authorities or legal professionals can provide further guidance on family-related regulations for digital nomad visas.

How can I renew/extend my digital nomad visa?

Renewal or extension processes for digital nomad visas vary depending on the specific visa program and destination country. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Eligibility and requirements: Renewal or extension eligibility and requirements may differ from the initial visa application process. It’s important to carefully review and understand the specific criteria and documentation needed for renewal or extension, such as proof of continued remote work, financial stability, and compliance with local laws.
  2. Timelines and deadlines: Renewal or extension processes may have specific timelines and deadlines that need to be followed to maintain legal status. It’s essential to be aware of these timelines and initiate the renewal or extension process well in advance to avoid any disruptions in your digital nomad lifestyle.
  3. Additional documentation: Renewal or extension may require additional documentation, such as updated work contracts, bank statements, and proof of accommodation. It’s important to gather and prepare all the necessary documents in advance to ensure a smooth renewal or extension process.
  4. Fees and costs: Renewal or extension processes may involve additional fees and costs, such as visa renewal fees or processing fees. It’s important to budget and plan for these expenses to avoid any financial surprises.
  5. Compliance with local laws: Renewal or extension of digital nomad visas may require compliance with local laws and regulations, such as tax obligations, work permits, and other legal requirements. It’s crucial to stay informed about the local laws and regulations and ensure compliance to maintain a valid digital nomad visa.

It’s recommended to consult with immigration authorities or legal professionals in the specific country or program you’re interested in to understand the renewal or extension process thoroughly and ensure compliance with all requirements.

What are the tax implications of digital nomad visas?

Tax implications for digital nomad visas vary depending on various factors, such as the specific visa program, destination country, and individual circumstances. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Residency and tax obligations: Digital nomad visas may affect your residency status in the destination country, which can have implications on your tax obligations. Some countries may require you to establish residency and pay taxes on your worldwide income, while others may have different tax rules for non-residents or temporary residents. It’s crucial to understand the tax residency rules of the destination country and comply with them to avoid any tax-related issues.
  2. Double taxation treaties: Many countries have double taxation treaties with other countries to prevent double taxation on the same income. These treaties may provide relief from paying taxes in both your home country and the destination country. It’s important to understand the double taxation treaties that apply to your situation and take advantage of any benefits they offer.
  3. Reporting requirements: Digital nomads may have additional reporting requirements, such as filing tax returns in both their home country and the destination country, reporting foreign income, and complying with local tax laws. It’s essential to stay informed about the reporting requirements and ensure compliance to avoid any penalties or legal issues.
  4. Deductions and exemptions: Digital nomads may be eligible for certain deductions, exemptions, or credits, such as business expenses, foreign tax credits, or exemptions for certain types of income. It’s important to understand the tax deductions and exemptions available in your situation and take advantage of them to minimize your tax liabilities.
  5. Professional tax advice: Tax laws and regulations can be complex and vary from country to country. It’s recommended to seek professional tax advice from qualified tax professionals or accountants who are familiar with the tax implications of digital nomad visas and can provide tailored guidance based on your specific circumstances.

It’s crucial to understand and comply with the tax implications of digital nomad visas to avoid any tax-related issues or penalties. It’s recommended to research and understand the tax laws of the destination country, seek professional tax advice, and stay updated on any changes in tax regulations to ensure compliance with all tax obligations.

What are the duration of stay restrictions for digital nomad visas?

Duration of stay restrictions for digital nomad visas vary depending on the specific visa program and destination country. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Maximum stay duration: Some digital nomad visas may have a maximum stay duration, which determines the length of time you can stay in the destination country under the visa program. This duration may range from a few months to a few years, depending on the visa program and country.
  2. Renewal or extension options: Some digital nomad visas may allow for renewal or extension options, which can potentially extend your stay beyond the initial duration. Renewal or extension options may be subject to certain conditions or requirements, such as demonstrating sufficient financial means, having a valid reason for the extension, or meeting other eligibility criteria.
  3. Exit and re-entry requirements: Some digital nomad visas may have exit and re-entry requirements, which may mandate you to leave the destination country and re-enter after a certain period of time to maintain the validity of the visa. These requirements may vary depending on the visa program and country, and it’s important to understand and comply with them to avoid any visa violations.
  4. Overstay penalties: Overstaying the duration of stay allowed by a digital nomad visa may result in penalties, such as fines, deportation, or other legal consequences. It’s essential to understand the duration of stay restrictions of the digital nomad visa program and comply with them to avoid any overstaying issues.
  5. Visa limitations: Some digital nomad visas may have limitations on the types of activities you can engage in, such as restrictions on employment, business activities, or accessing public benefits. It’s important to understand the limitations of the digital nomad visa program and comply with the rules and regulations to avoid any violations.

It’s crucial to understand and comply with the duration of stay restrictions of the digital nomad visa program to avoid any visa violations or legal issues. It’s recommended to research and understand the specific duration of stay requirements, renewal or extension options, exit and re-entry requirements, and other limitations of the digital nomad visa program of the destination country to ensure compliance with all visa obligations.

What are the travel limitations for digital nomad visas?

Digital nomad visas may have certain travel limitations that vary depending on the specific visa program and destination country. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Restricted countries or regions: Some digital nomad visas may have restrictions on travel to certain countries or regions, either within or outside the destination country. These restrictions may be based on political, security, or other factors, and it’s important to be aware of them and comply with any travel limitations imposed by the visa program.
  2. Exit and re-entry requirements: Digital nomad visas may have exit and re-entry requirements, which may mandate you to leave the destination country and re-enter after a certain period of time to maintain the validity of the visa. These requirements may vary depending on the visa program and country, and it’s important to understand and comply with them to avoid any visa violations.
  3. Visa limitations on travel activities: Some digital nomad visas may have limitations on the types of travel activities you can engage in, such as restrictions on visiting certain countries or regions, or engaging in specific types of travel-related work. It’s important to understand these limitations and comply with the rules and regulations of the visa program to avoid any violations.
  4. Visa validity period: Digital nomad visas may have a validity period, which determines the length of time the visa remains valid for travel purposes. It’s important to be aware of the validity period of the visa and plan your travel accordingly to avoid any travel limitations due to an expired visa.
  5. Visa renewal or extension options: Some digital nomad visas may allow for renewal or extension options, which can potentially extend your travel opportunities beyond the initial validity period. Renewal or extension options may be subject to certain conditions or requirements, and it’s important to understand and comply with them to avoid any travel limitations due to an expired or invalid visa.

It’s crucial to understand and comply with any travel limitations or restrictions imposed by the digital nomad visa program of the destination country. It’s recommended to research and understand the specific travel limitations, exit and re-entry requirements, visa limitations on travel activities, visa validity period, and renewal or extension options of the digital nomad visa program to ensure compliance with all visa obligations and enjoy a hassle-free travel experience.

What are the accommodation and transportation regulations for digital nomad visas?

Digital nomad visas may have regulations related to accommodation and transportation that can vary depending on the specific visa program and destination country. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Accommodation requirements: Some digital nomad visas may have specific requirements for accommodation, such as mandating a certain type of accommodation (e.g., hotels, hostels, apartments) or a minimum duration of stay at a registered address. It’s important to understand and comply with these requirements to ensure visa compliance and avoid any violations.
  2. Transportation limitations: Digital nomad visas may have limitations on transportation, such as restrictions on using certain types of transportation (e.g., public transport, private vehicles) or traveling to certain areas or regions. It’s important to be aware of these limitations and comply with the transportation regulations of the visa program to avoid any visa violations.
  3. Transportation documentation: Some digital nomad visas may require certain transportation documentation, such as proof of onward travel or return tickets, as part of the visa application or entry requirements. It’s essential to understand and comply with these documentation requirements to ensure smooth travel and avoid any entry or visa-related issues.
  4. Transportation costs: Digital nomad visas may have regulations related to transportation costs, such as requirements for sufficient funds to cover transportation expenses during the stay. It’s important to budget and plan for transportation costs accordingly to comply with the visa program’s financial requirements.
  5. Transportation within the destination country: Digital nomad visas may have regulations related to transportation within the destination country, such as restrictions on using public transportation or requirements for obtaining local driving licenses. It’s important to research and understand the local transportation regulations to comply with the rules and regulations of the visa program.

It’s crucial to understand and comply with any accommodation and transportation regulations imposed by the digital nomad visa program of the destination country. It’s recommended to research and understand the specific accommodation and transportation requirements, limitations, documentation, costs, and local regulations of the digital nomad visa program to ensure compliance with all visa obligations and enjoy a hassle-free stay and travel experience.

What are the language and cultural requirements for digital nomad visas?

Language and cultural requirements for digital nomad visas can vary depending on the specific visa program and destination country. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Language proficiency: Some digital nomad visas may require applicants to demonstrate a certain level of language proficiency in the local language of the destination country. This could involve passing language tests, providing language certificates, or demonstrating communication skills in the local language during the visa application process.
  2. Cultural knowledge: Digital nomad visas may also have cultural requirements, such as demonstrating basic knowledge of the local culture, customs, and etiquette. This could involve providing evidence of cultural awareness or attending cultural orientation programs as part of the visa application process.
  3. Integration expectations: Some digital nomad visas may have expectations of integrating into the local community and culture during the stay. This could involve respecting local customs, traditions, and social norms, and actively engaging with the local community to promote cultural exchange.
  4. Language support: On the other hand, some digital nomad visas may not have specific language or cultural requirements, but may still provide language support or cultural orientation programs to help digital nomads navigate and adapt to the local language and culture.
  5. Importance of cultural awareness: Even if not explicitly required, having a basic understanding of the local language and culture can greatly enhance the overall experience of living and working as a digital nomad in a foreign country. It can help with communication, build relationships, and create a more immersive and enriching cultural experience.

It’s important to research and understand the specific language and cultural requirements, expectations, and support provided by the digital nomad visa program of the destination country. Complying with these requirements can help digital nomads effectively communicate, integrate, and navigate the local culture, enhancing their overall experience while living and working as a digital nomad abroad.